
Friday, 21 March 2014

Common Ports

20 =   FTP data (File Transfer Protocol) 

21 =   FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 

22 =  SSH (Secure Shell) 

23 =   Telnet 

25 =   SMTP (Send Mail Transfer Protocol) 

43 =   whois 

53 =   DNS (Domain Name Service) 

68 =   DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) 

79 =   Finger 

80 =   HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) 

110 =  POP3 (Post Office Protocol, version 3) 

115 =  SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) 

119 =  NNTP (Network New Transfer Protocol) 

123 =  NTP (Network Time Protocol) 

137 =  NetBIOS-ns 

138 =  NetBIOS-dgm 

139 =  NetBIOS 

143 =  IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) 

161 =  SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) 

194 =  IRC (Internet Relay Chat) 

220 =  IMAP3 (Internet Message Access Protocol 3) 

389 =  LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) 

443 =  SSL (Secure Socket Layer) 

445 =  SMB (NetBIOS over TCP) 

666 =  Doom 

993 =  SIMAP (Secure Internet Message Access Protocol) 

995 =  SPOP (Secure Post Office Protocol)

Ports between 1024 and 29151 are known as the Registered Ports

Basically, programs are supposed to register their use of these ports and thereby try to be careful and avoid stomping on each other. Here are some common ports and their programs.

1243 =  SubSeven (Trojan - security risk!) 

1352 =  Lotus Notes 

1433 =  Microsoft SQL Server 

1494 =  Citrix ICA Protocol 

1521 =  Oracle SQL 

1604 =  Citrix ICA / Microsoft Terminal Server 

2049 =  NFS (Network File System) 

3306 =  mySQL 

4000 =  ICQ 

5010 =  Yahoo! Messenger 

5190 =  AOL Instant Messenger 

5632 =  PCAnywhere 

5800 =  VNC 

5900 =  VNC 

6000 =  X Windowing System 

6699 =  Napster 

6776 =  SubSeven (Trojan - security risk!) 

7070 =  RealServer / QuickTime 

7778 =  Unreal 

8080 =  HTTP 

26000 =  Quake 

27010 =  Half-Life 

27960 =  Quake III 

31337 =  BackOrifice (Trojan - security risk!)

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